ALFinMOTION - Anna Lindh Foundation Mobility Programme - Second Edition


Award Notice

Proposals received

Call for Expression of Interest

In a post-Covid-19 recovery context, the Anna Lindh Foundation (ALF) is ensuring thriving Civil Society National Networks through the ALFinMOTION; its interdisciplinary cross-sectoral mobility programme across the region. Capitalising on the diversity of the ALF members on both shores of the Mediterranean, it supports collaborative initiatives aiming at strengthening equal partnerships.

An application must be submitted by a host organisation and may involve, depending on the mobility modality, up to two representatives from two hosted organisations from the complementary shores of the Mediterranean*. The ALF network webpage can help to make connections between ALF members.

The host organisation must be a legal entity and comply with the ALF communication and visibility guidelines when implementing the intercultural dialogue initiative. 

Purpose of the call

ALFinMOTION intends to be a stimulus to incite intercultural dialogue actions between both shores of the Mediterranean through physical mobilities, involving diverse types of expertise and profiles. Host organisations are provided with lump sum allocations and mobilities must always imply the full proactive participation of the hosted organisations. A gender, age and geographic balance share between both shores of the Mediterranean must be observed.

The proposed mobilities under this call can take place anytime between July and December 2023, respecting visa application schedules and requirements. 

Mobility modalities

ALFinMOTION is structured in four modalities that address the diverse needs encompassing intercultural dialogue: Action, Knowledge, Partnership and Creativity.

Mobility for Action

The minimum duration of the stay abroad is two days for a maximum of two persons who have to be affiliated to an organisation (hosted organisation-s), each from a different country.

The aim is to support the active involvement of Intercultural Dialogue actors in face-to-face intercultural dialogue initiatives, which are carried out by the host organisation to improve the flow of expertise among specialists across the different shores of the Mediterranean. The number of beneficiaries of the ALFinMOTION mobility should not exceed 20% of the participants in the proposed intercultural initiative. The applicant must provide proof that the proposed ICD initiative is not designed for the purpose of this call.

Final reporting requirements: Nominative transportation ticket(s), communication supports and audiovisual materials produced, participation sheets, news elaborated following the guidelines for the ALF Corporate Website Network News Section and an online evaluation report following the link that will be provided by the ALF Secretariat.

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Preview of the online application form

Mobility for Knowledge

The minimum duration of the stay abroad is seven days for a maximum of one person who has to be affiliated to an organisation (hosted organisation).

The aim of this mobility is the creation of tandems with Civil Society Organisations and Research/Academic Institutions (think-tanks, specialised research centres or universities) from different shores of the Mediterranean* to co-produce cross-sectoral/cross-border knowledge on relevant aspects of Intercultural Dialogue. The ALF maintains co-ownership of the final knowledge product's publishing rights and intellectual property. Preference will be given to submissions related to the production of new methodologies, innovative approaches or analytical/propositional documents. methodologies.    

Final reporting requirements: Nominative transportation ticket, the final knowledge product, an executive summary elaborated and published following the guidelines for the ALF Intercultural Dialogue Resource Centre and an online evaluation report following the link that will be provided by the ALF Secretariat.

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Preview of the online application form

Mobility for Partnership

The minimum duration of the stay abroad is ten days for a maximum of two hosted organisations persons who have to be affiliated to an organisation (hosted organisation), each from a different country.

Its purpose is to contribute to the formation and the consolidation of partnerships between CSOs complementary shores of the Mediterranean*  from the different shores of the Mediterranean through the co-elaboration of project proposals related to specific intercultural dialogue needs identified at the local, national or regional level to be submitted to national or international donors. The ALF will prioritise project proposals with innovative approaches and oriented towards youth, gender equality and climate change or with social inclusion purposes.

Final reporting requirements: Nominative transportation ticket(s), the concept note of the project proposal elaborated with the following minimum elements: Summary, Description and Relevance, following the ALF-provided template and an online evaluation report following the link that will be provided by the ALF Secretariat.

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Preview of the online application form

Mobility for Creativity

The minimum duration of the stay abroad is one month for a maximum of one person who has to be affiliated to an organisation (hosted organisation)

It invites creative agents of the Euro-Mediterranean space from various disciplines and sectors to co-create cultural/creative initiatives related to Intercultural Dialogue. The host organisation must provide the hosted creative organisation from complementary shores of the Mediterranean* with the space and means to work. The creative outcomes could be showcased at the premises of the ALF Secretariat in Alexandria and/or in some other countries upon agreement with the potential concerned ALF members of the Civil Society National Networks. Priority will be given to initiatives involving migrant collective.

Final reporting requirements: Nominative transportation ticket, communication supports and audio-visual materials produced, participation sheets, news elaborated following the guidelines for the guidelines for the ALF Corporate Website Network News Section and an online evaluation report following the link that will be provided by the ALF Secretariat.

This call is closed now

Preview of the online application form

Call open until 30 April 2023 (23:59 Central European Summer Time, CEST)

Mobility submissions in English, Arabic or French must be presented by April 30, 23:59 CEST via the online application form only. Please note that it is not possible to save the application as a draft or to make any changes after submitting. At the close of the call, only the most recently submitted version of the application will be processed.

The same organisation cannot submit more than one mobility submission under this call. Mobilities must take place anytime between 1 July and 31 December 2023. Submissions cannot be presented for activities that are already partly or fully funded by the ALF. The next call will be launched in June 2023.

Indicative timeline

31/03/23              Launch of the call
11/04/23              Online information session (details will be published on the ALF’s website)
30/04/23              Deadline to receive mobility submissions
21/05/23              Publication of the selection results
22/05-05/06/23    Signature of the contracts
June 2023           Zoom meeting with the host organisations to share common ground
01/07/23              Earliest possible start date of the intercultural initiatives benefiting from this call
31/12/23              Latest possible end date of the intercultural initiatives benefiting from this call
January 2024     Zoom meeting with the host organisations to carry out an ex-post evaluation of the call

Pre-established lump sum allocations & payment modality

Lump sums and minimum duration of stays supported by the ALF for each modality are as follows:

Mobility Modality: Action
Maximum number of mobilised hosted organisations: Up to 2 from different countries
Minimum duration of the stay abroad: 2 days
Lump-sum per hosted  organisation: 900 euro
Maximum contract value: 1.800 euro

Mobility Modality: Knowledge
Maximum number of mobilised hosted organisations: 1
Minimum duration of the stay abroad: 7 days
Lump-sum per hosted  organisation: 1.200 euro
Maximum contract value: 1.200 euro

Mobility Modality: Partnership
Maximum number of mobilised hosted organisations: Up to 2 from different countries
Minimum duration of the stay abroad: 10 days
Lump-sum per hosted  organisation: 1.100 euro
Maximum contract value: 2.200 euro

Mobility Modality: Creativity
Maximum number of mobilised hosted organisations: 1
Minimum duration of the stay abroad:1 month
Lump-sum per hosted  organisation: 2.200 euro
Maximum contract value: 2.200 euro

No pre-financing payments are foreseen. These allocations will be released as soon as the mobilities have taken place, upon reception and approval of the final reporting required documents. Upon request, a pre-financing equal to 60% of the lump sum amount can be issued. In those cases, the host organisation will assume the estimated cost of the bank transfers amounting 100 euro that will be deducted from the lump sum allocation.

Selection criteria

Selection criteria will be based on the quality of the complete mobility submissions received. Priority will be given to submissions where all the involved organisations are members of the Anna Lindh Foundation from the 41 National Networks and to submissions led by ALF members. A gender, youth and geographical balance between regions and countries must be observed. For the evaluation procedure, the following elements will be considered:

  • Relevance of the proposed initiative in terms of Intercultural Dialogue as indicated in each modality
  • Added value of the hosted organisation(s) in relation to the proposed initiative
  • Relevance of the specific experience of the beneficiary(ies) in relation to the proposed mobility
  • Profile/background complementarity between the host and the hosted organisation(s)
  • Geographic complementarity between the host and the hosted organisation(s) and gender and youth (between 18 and 35 years old) balance


The Anna Lindh Euro-Mediterranean Foundation for the Dialogue between Cultures, ALF, created in 2005 and based in Alexandria is an international intergovernmental organisation and its aim, according to its statutes, is to promote the dialogue between cultures and to contribute to the visibility of the Barcelona Process through intellectual, cultural and civil society exchanges.

To fulfil its objective, the Foundation mainstreams youth, gender equality and networking with a clear determination to lead regional and local intercultural dialogue initiatives that are useful for EuroMed societies and institutions with a very pragmatic approach. Its action grounds on the two main bodies of the Foundation: The Civil Society National Networks with more than 4.500 members and the 41 Members States of its Board of Governors.

Framework and financial allocation

This programme is developed in the framework of the Action Grant NDICI-GEO-NEAR/2022/434-371. The indicative overall amount allocated to this call is 95.000 euro. The ALF Secretariat reserves the right not to disburse all available funds.

Category 1:   Algeria, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Mauritania, Morocco, Palestine, Tunisia and Türkiye
Category 2:   Albania, Austria, Belgium, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Monaco, Montenegro, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Spain and Sweden